Lothar Ohlmeier / Isambard Khroustaliov – Summer Festivals

Lothar Ohlmeier and Isambard Khroustaliov will be playing at the Elektronisk JazzJuice festival in Aahus, Denmark on the 18th July and at the Summer Sundae festival in Leicester, England on the 8th August as part of the Bathysphere marquee. In the mean time, some belated reviews for our recent record; Nowhere have also appeared in the Wire and Jazzwise.

Genre Resistance – Lothar Ohlmeier/Geoff Wass

BRICOLAGE @ London Buddhist Arts Centre, Sunday 13 April 2008, Performances at 5pm Jam from 7 to 9pm. London Buddhist Arts Centre, Eastbourne House, Bullards Place, E2 0PT. Directions at www.londonbuddhistartscentre.co.uk/map.htm Performance only: £7 Jam only: £5 Performances and Jam: £10 £2 off with voucher from a previous Bricolage event. A celebration of the diversity of improvisation and experimental performances, framed by still and moving images. The performances are followed by an improvisation jam open to everyone.

· Roy Hart Theatre Group use a live improvisation score to engage the full range of expression of the human voice.
· The Bricoleurs group (Alex Crowe, Jenny Hill, Camilla Maling), presents a series of solo physically-based improvisations, integrating movement, sound and text.
· Geoff Wass, accompanied by Bass clarinettist Lothar Ohlmeier, experiments live with unique hand made instruments.
· Dancer, Lian Wilson performs improvisation engaging movement, sound and text.
· Dislocate – an investigational, site specific film made by Camilla Maling and Amaara Raheem
· Sound Artist Tobias Sturmer accompanies the opening of the jam with his experimental porcelain music.
· Photographer Shawn Ballantine displays a series of his natural and urban landscape images for us to dance to, throughout the jam.