Blue Mood & Still Roughly or Incompatible Elements from Britt Hatzius

An extract from a piece performed in Berlin 2010 by Britt Hatzius (image) and Ollie Bown (sound). The process: A folder with still images plus one moving image are triggered and chosen by the sounds within Ollie’s generative live music; each performance is different, both in musical and image composition; the sequence of images stays the same while the rhythm of the edit is determined by the ever changing musical score.

Still Roughly or Incompatible Elements – video / film / drawing / still images / found footage by Britt Hatzius, music by Ollie Bown and Adem Ilhan (available as part of the NOT010 free download).

Pink & From Bloom To Bust

Created for one of the first Kammer Klang evenings in 2008 and unearthed from the archives to celebrate the release of ‘From Bloom to Bust‘, Alice Britton’s film ‘Pink’ is a curious portrait of the collision between super8 and digital filmmaking.

Pink – a film by Alice Britton

Sountrack realised by Isambard Khroustaliov, featuring:

Tolga Tüzün – piano
Lucy Railton – ‘cello